Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blog Post Week 4 Jebediah Pritchard

Blog Post Week 4 Jebediah Pritchard

The story that was the most interesting to me this week was The Dead.
Not the whole story though. Most of the story was not to grand.
Though the last pages of The Dead were something very good.
These pages were pages written in the style of Poe and other such dark romantic authors.
James Joyce did not express dark romanticism until the final few pages of The Dead, in Dubliners. Gabriel loved his wife and wanted to be with her. Upon the moment, she tells him of her true love, her lost love. The love that had died early on, the love that had died for her.
To Gabriel this is crushing. Had she ever really loved him , as he had loved her. Or was he lesser a man than the man that departed breath for her. " His soul had approached that region where dwell the vast hosts of the dead." This imaginary is haunting and grand.

Response to Ashley B Blog

Is there a theme in each story? Are these stories dark? There is a theme in every story and I believe that there is an overgrandizing of Joyce's themes and end story thoughts by the main character of each story are not epiphanies. The Dead is the only story that is dark to me and only the last few pages.