Saturday, September 19, 2009

Jebediah Pritchard Blog Week 3

The story Counterparts was interesting to me. Farrington was a man who worked as a copied and hated his job. In the day on his life that we get a view of, he has gown out 5 times to get a drink. Which seems to be a lot. He rather hates his job and his boss. His boss being a physically small man who abuses him and Farrington being a rather large man taking the emotional abuse.
There is an interesting interaction at the end of the story. Farrington, angry and upset, goes home
to eat dinner and fines his son Tom there. He, at first is unable to recognize which son it is based upon the voice of the child, he mistakes Tom for Charlie. Farrington wants Charlie to make him dinner, as the mom is out and a scene erupts as the fire has gone out and Farrington views this as a call to beat his child Tom. This is a reversal of the previous situation for Farrington. Mr. Alleyne, Farrington's boss abuses him and now Farrington takes out his angry and physically abuses his son. A role reversal. A sad a pathetic display. Farrington is not too likable and a degenerate. A rather unfortunate state of affairs.